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Hold Me Tight - Conversations for Connection  is  an educational program based on the theory and practice of Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), a structured approach to couples therapy.   EFT has developed as a systematic and powerfully effective approach to reducing relationship distress and helping couples to create trust and intimacy.

In this workshop there are 8 sessions*; the first session focuses on the new science of love, based on attachment theory  and on what it teaches us.  The next seven sessions focus on helping couples shape and use the seven conversations laid out in the book Hold Me Tight.

* The format is flexible: 8  2-hour sessions / one full weekend / two half-weekends

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Hold Me Tight / Let Me Go is based on the Hold Me Tight Program: Conversations for Connection, an educational form of Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (EFT) originated by Dr. Sue Johnson and adapted for Families with Teens.   It is a five-session, 10 hour educational program* based on the theory and practice of Emotionally Focused Family Therapy (EFFT)
In this program we seek to free up what has blocked the parents' / caregivers' wired-in capacity to provide protection and nurturance; we also seek to free up teens so they can more safely reach for care and nurturance when needed.  It helps families to take control of rigid patterns and clarify emotional signals about their needs and fears in a way that encourages family members to respond with openness, accessibility, responsiveness and emotional engagement.  As parents work on their blocks and access their caregiving vulnerability, and as their teens access their attachment needs and fears, family members express their intent to do things differently and become less emotionally reactive.
The goal of this program is to help families repair, enhance and continually develop secure bonds within the family so teens can grow and go successfully and launch into the world connected to their family roots.

*The format is flexbile: 5 2-hour sessions / can be adapted to one-and-a-half days,

to encourage teen participation

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Our busy day to day existence often consists of us rushing around to accomplish necessary tasks, in between our long list of regular obligations.  It has become common for people to feel like they are losing connection with the present moment.  There are many different ways to practice mindfulness, all with the shared goal of achieving a state of alert, focused relaxation.

Cup of Calm is an Introduction to MIndfulness Practice, including such topics as Disputing Negative Thinking, Identifying Internal and External Stressors and Stress Management, Exploring various Mindfulness Activities and Developing Self-care Routines.

The goal of this program is to provide individuals with conscious awareness of the present state and a skill set designed to bring you closer to equanimity. 

*The format is flexible: 4 or 6 2 hour sessions / can be adopted to one full weekend / two half weekends

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Physical distance, busy schedules, dynamics, generation gaps and communication can all play a part in diminishing the strength of the mother/daughter relationship.  We need a safe place to gather, to connect, and sometimes to heal.  Coming together in a circle is an ancient human tradition that allows us to move away from our normal sense of space and time, into a sacred space. These women's circles will allow for transformational moments together, focusing on connection, expectations and communication.  The bonds that form from inter-generational healing nurture growth and allow more joy to be present in your relationship. 

MOTHERS WITH ADULT DAUGHTERS From our own mothers we learned about relationships with self and others; attitudes towards family, work, play, money spirituality, health; the importance of communication and education. Our mother, in her turn, learned from her own matriline, and we, as mothers, have influenced our own daughters in all these facets  (and more!) of life 

ONE DAY WORKSHOP will focus on needs and expectations (identifying relationship goals)

 and communication (creating new basic communication patterns with each other) 

*Contact for Pricing

THREE DAY WEEKEND RETREAT will focus on personal awareness of needs and expectations, discuss how they are currently being communicated, develop new communication patterns with each other, highlight the importance of these factors in positive connection

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MOTHERS WITH ADOLESCENT DAUGHTERS The Mother Daughter relationship is our primary bond, and is so powerful, it influences all of our future relationships, self-esteem, and our health. As we raise our daughters today, the positive connections we foster with them will provide the foundation for them to become strong, resilient women.

ONE DAY WORKSHOP will focus on specific needs and expectations in your relationship and on communication (developing strategies for deeper connection) 

*Contact for Pricing

For thought provoking questions about your own relationship, click to complete the surveys!

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